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NewGlass2 is a scientifically formulated 'fiberglass restoration' product. NewGlass2 provides a hard, shiny coat of protection for your fiberglass gel coat. NewGlass2 has a long history of providing exceptional protection and shine to faded, oxidized gel coats. New gelcoat starts out with bright, fresh pigments suspended in a very smooth plastic film, similar to a fresh, painted surface. It's glossy because rays of light striking the surface from an angle are virtually all reflected in the same direction. As the gelcoat ages under the influence of sun, water, and weather two things happen: The surface of the gelcoat becomes microscopically pitted, and the pigments tend to change color due to surface oxidation and UV absorption. The degraded pigment causes blotchy color changes. The pitting causes light striking the surface to scatter, or be reflected more or less randomly. For white fiberglass a clean, dry surface is all that is required for NewGlass2 application. Colored fiberglass that is oxidized will have a white or gray film that should be removed prior to NewGlass2 application. Depending on the severity of oxidation a good, mildly abrasive cleaner may do the job. Heavy oxidation can be removed by lightly sanding the gelcoat with a wet / dry 1000 grit sandpaper wrapped around a sponge and wetted down. The goal is to remove the film of oxidation; not the gelcoat. Once you have a uniform, smooth surface, the next step is to cover it with a very smooth, transparent film. Almost anything'including plain water' will cover the surface and provide a good shine. The trick is to get something that will keep the surface covered for a reasonable length of time without disappearing and with-out its surface becoming pitted. NewGlass2 consists of a water-based emulsion of acrylic resin which dries to a continuous clear film. The emulsion is very low viscosity'almost like plain water'so application is much easier than with paste wax, although several thin coats are required. Please see "How2NewGlass2" for specific directions. Includes applicator. 32oz bottle. Coverage: A single quart will protect a 30' motor home, a 40' sailboat hull or all of a 25' center console fishing boat.